Could it be because he himself is working for those who benefit from a citizen’s movement being thrown into complete disarray?
Could it be because his over-riding personal interest is to make money on the various causes which he has embraced?
From all of his post and videos and Facebook comments it becomes quickly evident that Ian R. Crane is first and foremost a businessman. Regardless of what he is hawking, his interest appears to be selling his wares first, 'advocating' his causes second.
Now that’s perfectly okay, except when you literally take down a vibrant citizen’s movement, which he has been accused of doing regarding the BP Gulf Oil Spill. And, only in order to sell his primary sales pitch about a Robert Kaluza, a BP exec who was on site before the Deepwater Horizon exploded and burned (*This particular matter is explained in more detail below).
Most of the environmental and health advocacy groups which came together in the wake of the BP oil spill have come under one attack or another. The Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference was one of those. This highly informal, international citizens’ initiative was cobbled together within a couple of weeks after the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon. It was born out of deep concern for the future of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM).
Enter one Ian R. Crane, an Englishman who wasn’t happy with the lack of attention he was receiving up there in the British Isles as he tried HARD to sell his videos and ideas concerning the BP oil spill. Just who is this guy really working for? Why did he secretly (and illegally) tape his first and only telephone conversation with the GOSRC? Is this the conduct of a real enviro health advocate?
For all of you Ian R. Crane devotees, you have many more HARD questions to answer about this bloke. Such as, “Why did he go out of his way to dismiss actual death threats that had been issued by email and telephone to prominently configured members of the GOSRC? Why would anyone do such a thing? Who is Ian R. Crane really working for?
Why has he purposefully misrepresented the credentials of different parties having serious impact on the dissemination of critical yet little known information regarding the BP oil spill. Why would anyone ever do that?
Why has he belittled the great and valiant efforts of those who work without pay, without recognition and at great expense to themselves… individuals who genuinely work for the GOM and those who live and work there? Why, Ian R. Crane fans, has he done this?
Ian Crane’s MO is to accuse those with whom he competes for attention
This exact behavior toward oil spill activists was also demonstrated toward Jane Burgermeister by Crane. She was a leader in the anti-vaccine movement of whom he has done his damndest to discredit and bring down any way he can. Here’s his MO:
He tries to build his own case around a highly incendiary and topical issue, gets very little attention, so why not take down those who receive the attention. Perhaps it will rub off on him.
Not only that but he rushes from one story to the next, from one disaster to the next, from one NWO agenda item to the next, trying to get someone’s attention who is dumb enough to buy his products.
Can you imagine taking down an entire movement because you’re not selling your product. In the case of the BP oil spill, he conspired with a highly gullible and dubious internet –writer Deborah Dupre of to produce this result. In the end reputations were destroyed, careers were devastated, financial conditions completely ruined, relationships destroyed forever, among many other harsh consequences of his/her behavior on the internet.
Most importantly, however, his actions further endangered those who were already under serious threat. In other words his screeds put into very serious jeopardy the lives of some hard-working and courageous leaders in the enviro movement. By doing this he and his co-conspirator(s) harpooned a number of extremely effective citizens’ groups and torpedoed efforts to expose the real story behind the BP Gulf oil spill.
Why would Ian R. Crane perpetrate such crimes against those who supposedly share his mission? Why would he act as cavalierly and selfishly as a bull in a china shop? Those Ian R. Crane fans have some serious questions to answer. And by the way, this expose is merely a tip of the iceberg in regard to his many other activities, crusades, video productions, etc.
According to many with whom this investigator spoke, the irreparable damage that Crane inflicted will never be forgotten. As for hundreds who worked on the Gulf, and the many reputable organization that climbed on board, Ian R. Crane (an Deborah Dupre) will forever be known as the man (and woman) who destroyed the Gulf citizens' movement.
Shame on him and his co-conspirators for ruining the lives of so many, and taking down a critical network during a time of critical need and in a place with urgent demands. Shame on them!
*More about the Robert Kaluza affair
Statement issued by the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (GOSRC):
“First let us admit that only Ian R. Crane, the self-appointed expert on the Robert Kaluza affair, can tell this story. From our vantage point Mr. Kaluza may be a perfectly innocent bystander, a scapegoat, or even involved in exactly the way that Crane portrays ‘the crime scene’. We just don’t know. Nor did we focus our attention on that particular episode.
However, this is what we do know. That the BP Gulf oil spill was the result of a full-blown systemic breakdown. Everyone involved was to some degree responsible. We’re talking about BP, Transocean, Halliburton, Anadarko and the many other contractors and sub-contractor who work in the Gulf of Mexico 24/7 for decades. Simply put, they have turned the entire GOM oil and gas drilling area into a virtual dead zone.
As for the many other responsible parties, we are also talking about the US Federal Government, various State Governments such as Louisiana and Texas, and especially those agencies and department with direct oversight. That would be the EPA, Coast Guard, Department of Energy, Department of Interior, NOAA, among others who are necessarily involved as dictated by the appropriate statutes.
So, as you can see, there’s a LOT of blame to go around. We’re not looking to attribute blame, mind you, just accountability so as to preclude another “Greatest Environmental Disaster in US History”. Therefore it was important for us to look at every aspect of this oil spill – political, financial, economic, social, environmental, global, etc. We’re talking the BIG picture.
Then, enters one Ian R. Crane, described by some as “a wrecking ball meets the BP oil spill”. All he did was to push his self-styled narrative about Robert Kaluza, Robert Kaluza, Robert Kaluza. Videos, articles, Facebook pages all dedicated to this one small part of a HUGE story. Why? Who was telling him to push this story so hard? We want to know… and find out, we will, before this saga is over.”
Comments from those who watched different parts of the operation unfold:
Here’s how one citizen advocate described Crane’s approach to the spill:
“He seems to channel everyone into the funnel of the Robert Kaluza story. He does this with an obvious intent to scapegoat this man – who might be pe rfectly innocent – nevertheless this is the most important aspect of the spill as far is Crane is concerned. He expects that we’re all supposed to unquestioningly believe his story and then dutifully pass it on. He even had the gall to belittle posts of his work as feeble attempts to get his story out, even going so far as to question the website editor about their support of his cause. This kind of response is obviously delusional. Therefore, how can we trust him to tell the truth about anything related to this spill.”
Here’s a comment from a Facebook observer:
“Ian Crane started Facebook page dedicated to only the Robert Kaluza affair, as though this was the only story. Then he proceeded to diminish many others who were looking at other much more important issues. Then he attempted to marginalize anyone who didn’t tow the line. Certainly not the behavior of one whose life, or home, or business, or health is on the line because of living on the Gulf coast.”
Here’s how a Gulf Coast internet reader responded to Cranes shenanigans:
“Ian Crane is a salesman. Whether he is controlled opposition is difficult to say. Who ever knows? He could be controlled directly and know it; or he could be controlled by the delusions in his own mind. Looking at all his other theories it easy to see how the latter may be at work.”
This comment comes form a whistleblower:
“Why did Crane put out so much utter garbage about serious people working on the Gulf?
Why did Crane secretly tape people who were movers and shakers on the spill?
Why did Crane lie about so many things about these committed individuals”
Another comment from an industry insider:
Anyone who tries to control the direction of a whole movement has to be scrutinized … very closely. Since Ian Crane was, is, an ex-oilman himself, it’s hard to see how one can ever leave that “reservation” and get away with it? Schlumberger runs a pretty tight ship and the industry in general doesn’t like one of their own going rogue.
One more from an armchair oil spill expert:
“Jealousy and competition have a strange way of warping a person’s view. His frustration with not being well received down here was evident from the start. Why he didn’t go into a jealous rage sooner is the real surprise!”
Here’s a criticism from an ex-fan of Ian Crane:
A pompous, arrogant, bloviating windbag!
This comes from a witness to Crane's unlawful phone taping:
Crane himself admitted that he would face extradition for illegally taping the phone conversation with the National Coordinator in Florida. What’s with that, daring someone to have him extradited after flagrantly committing a crime???
A health advocate speaks out:
"Are we to believe that the entire BP oil spill occurred because of the actions of one man - Robert Kaluza? What tripe! Isn't this exactly what the oil companies would have us believe?!"
A health advocate speaks out:
"Are we to believe that the entire BP oil spill occurred because of the actions of one man - Robert Kaluza? What tripe! Isn't this exactly what the oil companies would have us believe?!"
From a deep contact in the Oil & Gas Industry:
Whether Ian Crane is MI5 or MI6 will never be known.
Whether he is a BP agent or Industry agent can’t be known.
Whether he’s a psyop or blackop is equally elusive.
Whether he’s COINTELPRO or CIA, who can ever confirm, except by someone’s own admission.
What we do know is that, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, smells like a duck and looks like a duck....
In closing we are compelled to identify Ian Crane’s unseemly behavior as highly suspicious and deliberate in its effect. It was directly responsible, when considered together with the coordinated actions of Deborah Dupre, for shutting down an entire movement. Incidentally, Dupre took up writing about Crane’s work immediately after they executed the takedown of the GOSRC.
Therefore we can only hope and pray that this expose will be disseminated far and wide throughout the Gulf region and beyond so that others do not suffer the same fate. What’s at stake is far too weighty and consequential for us not to take these real threats very seriously.
Author's note:
Author's note:
It was recently brought to the attention of this author that a strictly "PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL" email was intercepted by Ian Crane. Evidence was produced which proved without any doubt that Crane received in his email inbox an email which was sent between two prominent figures within the Gulf Oil Spill advocacy movement. Were it not for the confidential nature of that email, we would gladly upload the screenshot of it in this post.
So, now we have another VERY serious question about Ian R. Crane before us. As follows:
How does he receive an email directly from a party who has never emailed him before, and who has no record of his email in his mail program?
Secondly, is it just blatant audacity that would compel one to forward the purloined email back to the original sender in which you append your own personal message wherein you continue to peddle your wares?
We know that the News of the World hacking scandal in London just keeps getting bigger, but this kind of in-your-face chicanery goes way beyond any standard of conduct we've ever seen!
So, now we have another VERY serious question about Ian R. Crane before us. As follows:
How does he receive an email directly from a party who has never emailed him before, and who has no record of his email in his mail program?
Secondly, is it just blatant audacity that would compel one to forward the purloined email back to the original sender in which you append your own personal message wherein you continue to peddle your wares?
We know that the News of the World hacking scandal in London just keeps getting bigger, but this kind of in-your-face chicanery goes way beyond any standard of conduct we've ever seen!