Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ian R. Crane Poses As Gulf Oil Spill Advocate

‘Journalists’ Ian Crane & Deborah Dupre destroy citizens’ movement

By Sheila Samarski

Just who is Ian R. Crane and why does he, together with the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors, persist in destroying the Gulf Oil Spill citizens’ movement?  Why does a Britisher suddenly appear on the scene of the greatest environmental catastrophe in US history hawking his wares and conspiracies?

After many months of investigation of this British citizen – Ian R. Crane – we can report the following facts about his business, his mission and his “journalistic” practice where it concerns the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM).

It is very important to note that this foreign ‘journalist’ lives in the United Kingdom not too far from London, admits to being an ex-Shlumberger oilman, and makes his money from selling internet conspiracy theory (which may be true or false) about the Gulf oil spill.  The point is that this is how he earns his income, by selling videos that purport to explain away all things related to the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. 

The following headline has appeared on many of the internet’s alternative news sites over the past 6 months:

Ian Crane, Ex-Schlumberger Oilman, Illegally

Tapes Former GOSRC Coordinator

Here is one of the news sites where it can be found:

The first question anyone would ask is: Why was Ian Crane illegally and secretly taping a member – the National Coordinator no less – of the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference?  What was his purpose? 

In light of all the hacking and illegal behavior during the News of the World scandal in London, we now know that many journalists commit illegal actions as a matter of job performance.  That doesn’t make it right, or ethical, or appropriate in any way.  It just goes to show the rest of the world how far such a profession has strayed from legal conduct.  Of course, in this instance the question remains why Crane felt compelled to conduct illegal taping of a telephone conversation?  Who is he really working for?

During the course of researching this whole affair, it became quite evident that Crane does work very closely with members of the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors (GCBD) group in NOLA.  He and Deborah Dupre, a GCBD founder and ex-board member, have apparently teamed up to character assassinate anyone who disagrees with them or their modus operandi.  Cross their path in any serious way and many agree you’re toast as far as personal destruction on the internet is concerned.

Deborah Dupre has admitted that she and her family are paid by oil companies to transport oil through pipelines which they have permitted (contracted) to run across their properties in Louisiana.  Dupre also writes for, an internet news platform which is staffed by citizen writers, all of whom are paid according to the size of their readership. has a very close partnership with Thomson Reuters, the huge media conglomerate headquartered across the street from BP International Headquarters in London.  Wait, this gets more interesting by the paragraph!

Just who are the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors and what is their MO?  Please read the following article to fully understand the damage that this organization has wrought throughout the GOM coastline advocacy groups and beyond.

Who are the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors?

So, here’s the context:  We have hundreds of real citizen advocates who live all over the Gulf of Mexico coastline, and who have worked since April of 2010 to bring into the public domain whatever they could contribute toward addressing the Gulf oil spill.  They come from all different walks of life, both professionals and laypeople, and their shared passion and advocacy is assisting the rehabilitation of the GOM and its coastal environment.  After 9 months into the Gulf oil spill, here comes Ian R. Crane bullying his way into the GOM advocacy network.  Apparently he was not receiving enough publicity for his many conspiratorial narratives concerning the spill. He has lots of videos for sale and he’s not selling many of them; he just doesn’t get any traction.

So, what does he do?  He starts committing character assassinations on some of the most effective heroes of the Gulf Oil Spill to get the attention he seeks.  And, then, he starts to get the attention (advertising) he obviously craves to jumpstart his oil spill business.  So now he thinks he’s hit on a winning formula by bashing the heroes to get attention.

Whose characters does he defame?  People who have not only sacrificed their livelihoods, but in some instances their very lives.  These individuals have spent their own money, time and energy with no compensation, reimbursement or donations and have put themselves in harm’s way to reveal the truths around the oil spill.  And this is how Ian R. Crane treats them!  A businessman from outside of London brings his own wrecking ball to the Gulf after it’s been destroyed by BP et al. 

Why does Ian R. Crane conduct such an unconscionable smear campaign?  Why would he persist, after months of being told the facts, in defaming the characters of those who worked tirelessly to reveal the truth about the greatest environmental disaster in North American history?  He’s not even from the USA and yet he makes money off of our tragedy and ruins the reputations of some of our best and brightest.  Why?

Ian R. Crane has started a facebook page which is entitled:

Please Like This Page & Help Expose BP's Robert Kaluza

This entire site is basically dedicated to one of Crane’s current life missions.  For all intents and purposes Crane would have us all believe that Robert Kaluza, “one of BP’s company men on the deepwater Horizon when it exploded”, is responsible for the whole Gulf oil spill.  If you were to closely peruse his facebook page you will quickly see how many times Crane pitches his videos, dvds and other items for sale to the reader.  This site is really about one thing, and one thing only: Ian Crane selling Ian Crane’s products, and sometimes at the expense of very good, hard-working advocates.

For the uninitiated it is very important to understand that the Gulf Oil Spill is the result of countless individuals, companies, politicians, regulators, contractors, sub-contractors, citizens, Big Oil employees, Military-Industrial Complex corporations, the US Federal Government, various state governments, etc., who either didn’t do their jobs or did them so well that this oil spill was just about guaranteed to happen.  To lay the blame at the feet of one man – Robert Kaluza – or to even insinuate that he is the lynchpin (smoking gun) in such an investigation is simply ridiculous, which is just one reason why so many throughout the GOM advocacy network are profoundly offended by Crane’s dishonesty and disingenuousness.

Please understand that we are not suggesting that Robert Kaluza did not play a significant part in the lead-up to the explosion, burning and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon.  Only the evidence and proven facts can determine exactly what his role was in this very serious and consequential episode.  However, many feel Crane can no longer be trusted to ferret out the truth because of his unlawful and self-interested behavior in related matters.

Even if Crane were to lay the blame at the feet of an entire company like BP (whose actual responsibility is obvious historical fact by now and whose true criminal culpability may very well bankrupt it), his narrative would fall far short of the mark of truth.  Many of us have come to realize that when anyone pushes a story with such obvious shortcomings, there is usually an agenda.  We do know from talking to many who have read Crane’s comments and websites that he is well known for bashing those who receive more attention and publicity than himself.

The real environmental advocate cares not about how much publicity he receives because his intentions are honorable and he seeks no monetary gain or fame from his activism.  Can we say the same about an Englishman who comes into our neck of the woods and foists his theories, and products, and libelous statements into our faces?

‘Journalist’ Ian Crane & GCBD destroy citizens’ movement

Just what is their MO?  The GCBD simply label anyone who has fallen out with them an infiltrator.  Disagree with them, don’t promote them, try to break away from their influence and you are suddenly called a BP agent, COINTELPRO, psyop or some other such pejorative label.

As for Ian Crane, his favorite way of smearing anyone who he targets is to falsely accuse them of being part of the controlled opposition.   Not a very nice thing to do to lifelong environmental activists whose very lives depend on the trust and good will that has been built over a lifetime.  He is given to doing this so casually that he seems to be arrogantly unaware of the consequences of his actions.  Actions which are essentially criminal as we have seen with the News of the World hacking scandal.

As for the damage that has been inflicted on the entire Gulf of Mexico Advocacy Network, one can only imagine what will occur when highly influential and brutally honest advocates are taken down by such scurrilous and fallacious writing.  When this occurred earlier this year, one could see the many volunteer advocates flee from the scene of this Crane/Dupre crime spree so as not to be tainted by their scandalous writing.  No one wants to be tarred with the black and oily brush of the false accusation of betrayal.

What would anyone do when the most vocal and authoritative Gulf advocates are taken out with one slice of the slanderous blade?  So quickly and easily!  These two perpetrators sowed the seeds of fear and alarm so deeply that most of these folks will never come back to their respective health advocacies and environmental groups.  Others have strongly expressed an aversion to working with any environmental health advocacy groups in the foreseeable future.

Even more tragic, the libelous articles and comments disseminated by both Crane and Dupre have planted so many seeds of mistrust that, where many worked together in a collegial relationship, these quickly dissolved into distrustful interactions.  Mutual suspicion now replaced what was mutual trust throughout many of the key groups, which were making real headway with various Gulf restoration projects.

This investigative journalist has spoken to many Gulf residents, enviro groups and citizens throughout the Southeast during the past year and heard many stories about several different aspects of the BP Gulf oil spill.  Clearly, the writings of Ian R. Crane and Deborah Dupre have done more to undermine a vibrant citizens’ movement than all the other mainstream media disinformation taken together. 

After viewing numerous emails from different individuals formerly associated with the GCBD, it became clear that it was the most destructive enterprise on the Gulf.  So many good people were defamed and humiliated that the word started to spread like wildfire.  Unfortunately for Ian Crane, he chose to throw fuel on the fire, when he could have worked to put it out.  True intentions do become known quite quickly under conditions of duress like the Gulf oil spill.  Many of those concerned have remarked that a fraud is very easy to spot when the situation is as desperate as it has been during this awesomely tragic oil spill.  

One final point of information is that Deborah Dupre is the subject of a $10 million defamation of character lawsuit.  The suit alleges defamation of character by libelous articles which she was paid to write, as well as by slander during radio interviews she conducted.  As for Ian R. Crane, we leave you with his highly dubious and childish dare which he made to the very same Gulf advocates referred to throughout this expose.   Mr. Crane had the audacity to publish this dare in his newsletter back in April 2011 in which he was selling his latest video on the oil spill.  He showed absolutely no interest in hearing the truth or correcting the many deliberate falsehoods, which he had previously disseminated by email/newsletter as well as posted on the internet:

“If these observations are inaccurate, please file the appropriate legal action!”

Please be aware that Ian R. Crane is now under very serious investigation for the same criminal behavior as Deborah Dupre.  According to those who have been injured by Ian Crane’s actions, he is being taken up on his challenge shown above.

We will end this expose with a note of appreciation for the many Gulf advocates who have literally died in the line of duty.  Some who have not been killed have continued to perform their work under death threat; others have literally been the object of attempted murder and assault.  Through the despicable actions and writings of both Ian R. Crane and Deborah Dupre these same individuals have now incurred an additional risk.  Their lives have been put into even greater jeopardy and their characters thoroughly defamed through false and malicious statements they continue to post on the internet.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

BEWARE of Deborah Dupre and Delia LaBarre

Who are the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors?

By Maurice Ellsberg

     The following story is the product of months of intensive investigation regarding a group of individuals who call themselves the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors (GCBD).  They are led by one Delia LaBarre of NOLA and jointly founded with her sister, Deborah Dupre 
(a former board member of the GCBD*), who is originally from Louisiana and up until recently living in Hawaii.  As unbelievable as this report may sound, the facts and incidents contained herein have been confirmed and validated by many ex-members of the GCBD.  This expose is meant to provide a warning  to any and all who might be tempted to join this extremely dubious and destructive enterprise.  At best the GCBD represents an intention to help the beleaguered residents of the Louisiana Gulf Coast. However this initiative has devolved into something far from that original design.  And, it is the leaders who must be held directly responsible for this turn for the worse.
     Deborah Dupre is acknowledged by many to be a disgrace to her “profession” which appears to be an internet reporter.  In this capacity many have labeled her a menace to society.  Delia LaBarre is literally a barefoot doctor with no formal medical training or background who has no proper hygiene process/procedures in place for the way she dispenses her nutraceutical medications and various health products. Some real barefoot doctors, who have been in her home and witnessed the handling of open containers of various ingestible health products, were shocked at the lack of cleanliness and proper procedures necessary to keep the contents sterile and free of contamination.  Clearly, the entire amateur operation known as the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors was in blatant violation of the relevant LA Public Health codes and regulations.

     Furthermore, there are some licensed healthcare professionals who believe LaBarre has been practicing medicine without a license at every turn throughout the development of their enterprise.  More significantly these two sisters – Dupre and LaBarre are sisters born under the same roof in Louisiana – both employ a very dubious modus operandi (MO) in the eyes of many who joined the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors at their invitation over the course of the past nine to ten months.  All of these individuals are now ex-GCBD members because of what they describe as an ongoing pattern of illicit behavior, which is as reprehensible as it is abhorrent to those who witnessed or were victimized by them.

     Just who are these two sisters who have terrorized the State of Louisiana since the Gulf oil spill first began.  Deborah Dupre is an internet poster who attempts to write articles on a layperson’s news platform known as Examiner .com.  Everyone who was interviewed for this article pointed out that Examiner .com went into a formal partnership with Thomson Reuters[1] back in December of last year.  Reuters Corporate Headquarters is located about a tenth of a mile from BP Corporate Headquarters in the City of London.  Many have asked whether Dupre, a paid writer for Examiner, went over to the other side after she began posting articles and comments which were highly and unjustifiably critical of the various citizens’ movements which have advocated in various capacities for the coastal residents on the Gulf of Mexico.

     Even before Reuters went into business with Examiner, Dupre garnered a reputation for writing articles which lacked any kind of research or fact checking, were unprofessionally written to the point of embarrassment, and contained information which was either fabricated out of thin air or grossly exaggerated.  In a phrase she has been identified as “one of the most irresponsible and immature writers on the internet today.”  If you have any doubt about the level of her commentary or analysis, this author challenges any reader to simply google her name and read her articles.  Clearly, they speak for themselves in their childishly sensational tone and content.  To call her an author or journalist is an extraordinary stretch by any standard.

     It is very important to point out that not one single person interviewed would agree to be quoted for this article.  Everyone spoke of the poison pen wielded by Dupre and were deeply concerned about her penchant for revenge and retaliation.  It was not so much that they feared her; rather many spoke of her irrational and unpredictable behavior which often translated to writing pieces or comments known to be completely untrue and profoundly destructive to the objects of her scorn.  One individual who was the subject of her character assassination spoke strongly of the need for Dupre to brought up on criminal charges.  In that way it was contended society would be spared her venom and vitriol by keeping her away from a keyboard while doing her time in a prison cell.

     As for LaBarre, this expose ought to serve as a very serious caveat to any potential donor to the GCBD.  According to the Madison Mission in North Carolina, the GCBD were the recipient of thousands of  dollars of alternative health products which were never paid for.  Four of the products made up the backbone of the GCBD "detox kit" and were shipped at various times during the oil spill cleanup period to Delia LaBarre, but payments in the form of donations were never received by Madison Mission.  From those ex-GCBD members with whom we spoke, it was clear that donations were provided to LaBarre, so the question remains why she never paid for these products which included: (i) Detox Clay (ii) Activated Charcoal (iii) Vitamin C Tablets and (iv) Super Nutrition.  Because of the personal nature of other financial irregularities that were described by various ex-members and which we have promised not to divulge, one might carefully consider any solicitation from this group before a donation is offered. 

     The primary concern voiced by the several nurses, healthcare professionals and environmental health advocates who had the occasion to visit LaBarre's home was the unacceptable condition of her working space.  From a quality control perspective, there simply was none.  Unhygienic, unsanitary, totally disorganized and chaotic, completely non-compliant with typical health standards are just a few of the descriptions.  Some went so far as to imply that the entire living space was an unmitigated disaster area.  Everyone questioned the suitability of her process and procedure for dispensing the various detox formulas and other alternative nutraceuticals.  Detoxification can be a very complex and subtle process, so her protocols and recommendations were also seriously questioned as to the timing and amounts.  Many pointed out that a "one shoe fits all mentality" is not the best way to deal with very sick individuals  each possessing markedly different profiles, both physical and emotional.

Deborah Dupre and Delia LaBarre:
Sisters Cut From The Same Bolt of Cloth

     Such are the comments reserved for both Deborah Dupre and her sister Delia LaBarre who have made very few friends, if any, and lots of enemies both locally and beyond NOLA.  Professionals coming in from outside the Gulf Coast area are the ones most likely to be caught unaware by these two predators.  Little did most of them know, and we are talking about well over twenty individuals who have been victims of what has become known as the Louisiana Inquisition.  It begins with an invitation to folks who have excellent credentials, valuable experience, stellar reputations or something to offer what the GCBD need or want.  Delia actively seeks them out because of her attempt to acquire the legitimacy which she obviously lacks.  When she doesn’t get what she wants the inquisitional attitude then emerges … in stages.  When one fails to comply with her requests, wishes, suggestions or dictates the process of personal destruction begins.  That’s where Deborah, the GCBD press agent comes in.

     This pattern of conduct, which was witnessed by every person interviewed for this article, was defined by the following MO.  As soon as a “problem” emerged or difference of opinion surfaced which the “sisters” did not take kindly to, the offending individual would be subjected to the foulest kind of ad hominem attacks on their character, their behavior, their credentials, their health status – virtually anything that was perceived as a weakness which could be exploited to marginalize them as a prelude to expelling them from the group.  This cruel and ruthless process of character assassination was played out time and time again as evidenced by email threads sent out by the GCBD members only forum which were read by this author.  One innocent victim after another has independently corroborated this pattern of behavior with remarkable similarity as if taken from the same page out of the same playbook.

     Whenever there was need for a “guillotine” (French Revolution style) to finish off any particular victim, they always resorted to the ultimate judgment of labeling the newly marked “defendant” as an infiltrator.  The many labels they used to further denigrate these unfortunate folks include COINTELPRO, Homeland Security, infiltrator, controlled opposition, BP agent, black op, psyop among other disparaging terms which spell the death knell for anyone doing real environmental health  advocacy work.  The inquisitional attitude, as well as certainty about their verdicts and subsequent sentences handed down, were so quick and unfounded that many were dumbstruck at the pure insanity behind their process.  Delia quickly became known as the Tomas de Torquemada of NOLA.  And, of course, sister Debra was always the willing enabler, co-dependent and collaborator in these acts of personal destruction.

     After Dupre publishes an article with unseemly and spurious content, she enlists the aid of her internet trolls to post comments - either anonymously or with false names - at the end of the article.  None of these individuals have any knowledge of the facts, yet they write these ludicrous comments which are completely devoid of truth.  In concert they act much like a lynch mob leaving comments that are more ill informed (and vicious) than the original content of Dupre's articles.  Whoever is the object of their scorn and invective then becomes the target of the many facebook sites that are connected to the GCBD.  They then travel like a pack of jackals moving from blog to blog, facebook page to facebook page tearing up reputations and the good work of others after having been empowered by Dupre.  Clearly this perverted process starts with LaBarre at the GCBD after she has handed down her usual verdict and whipped up the sentiments into a frenzy against those she has tried and sentenced . 

     In the case of BK Lim and Dr. Tom Termotto, Dupre somehow convinced Ian R. Crane to produce a portion of his special Gulf Oil Spill video dedicated to what Crane/Dupre falsely labeled "controlled opposition".  It's critical to understand that Dupre and Crane both get paid for what they do; Dupre is compensated by and Crane sells his conspiracy videos.  Both of them are responsible for seriously jeopardizing the lives of some of the most committed Gulf oil spill advocates in ways that have been described as "shockingly and recklessly cavalier".  One well respected and longstanding journalist in the alternative news realm found Dupre's reporting to be "absolutely reprehensible"; another called Crane's videos "pure fiction contrived in the spirit of making money at the expense of others".  Those "others" typically are volunteer environmental health advocates who receive no compensation for their work; nor do they receive any reimbursement for the many expenses that they incur to advocate their causes.  

     Dear reader, please understand that this article is being written and published as a warning to many unsuspecting souls who will be infiltrated by them, and then be accused of being infiltrators.  This group known as the GCBD is truly dangerous and needs to be exposed for who they are and how they operate.  Too many good people have been taken down without knowing what hit them.  In the words of every ex-member interviewed for this article, "reputations have been destroyed, careers ruined, the future for some was made very bleak because of the level of their defamation of character through both libel and slander".

     One of the individuals was recently savaged by Dupre’s writing spoke of her tactic of stealthily gaining his confidence by making him feel his advice and counsel was valuable and unique.  The personal matter she needed consultation on was in regard to a piece of property that she owned which the local oil company was going to take by eminent domain.  She very well knew the outcome because others in her family had been paid stipends by the oil companies to transport oil across their respective properties as well.  Now we ask how much does she receive in the form of her monthly stipend and how else is she beholden to these oil companies, which she appears to oppose in every other way?

     The harshest comments were reserved for Dupre because of how unsparing she is with her internet platform to wreak havoc on people’s lives, families and livelihoods.  Among her most despicable and repugnant actions are those directed at some of the most dedicated advocates who were involved with the Gulf oil spill.  The following story paints a picture which is too much for many of us to bear; nevertheless it must be told so that others may be put on notice about just how low she will sink in her effort to acquire her fifteen minutes of fame.

     BK Lim and Dr. Thomas B. Manton are both true heroes of the Gulf oil spill according to all who know of their work.  Tom Manton (former President/CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation) was killed in a prison in North Florida after being falsely accused and incarcerated for a crime he did not commit.  He worked tirelessly under extraordinary duress and with serious health conditions in his attempts to bring some sanity to the handling of the Gulf oil spill.  BK Lim is a Malaysian born geohazards specialist who is nonetheless a true American hero for his courageous service in revealing the truths about BP machinations before, during and after their oil gusher blew at the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf.  The reputations of both of these great men were systematically tarnished by Dupre, as well as by those she enlisted to perpetrate these heinous misdeeds.  Tom Manton had only recently been murdered for what many believed was his aggressive posture toward BP and their criminal handling of the oil spill when Dupre began to undermine his legacy.  Few have ever seen such flagrant disrespect as demonstrated by her toward these two heroes.  Particularly in this regard was her conduct shockingly outrageous and contemptible toward BK Lim whose very existence she attempted to put into doubt, as was much unwarranted criticism she also heaped upon other noted Gulf advocates.

     Dr. Tom Termotto, formerly with the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference, was one such advocate who was completely savaged by Dupre's libelous articles and comments.  It was shortly after he delivered a eulogy in honor of Dr. Tom Manton on the Rense Radio Network that he fell victim to the proverbial GCBD witch hunt.  According to many emails which circulated in the wake of this "Voices of the Shattered Gulf" special program, both Dupre and LaBarre saw to it that Dr. Termotto's character was destroyed with such ruthlessness and without a shred of evidence.  Dupre's article was an undisguised hit piece which proved to be an act of character assassination that few could tolerate, and it effectively destroyed the Gulf oil spill citizens' movement.  The general feeling has since been that if these two sisters will so cavalierly defame others through libelous articles, emails, facebook postings and comments, as well as slanderous radio interviews, why would anyone want to go anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico.  By many, they're perceived to be more dangerous that the Gulf oil spill itself!

     We are sorry to say that we did not receive one positive comment about the GCBD or the two principals who misguided this hapless venture.  So many have been hurt emotionally, wounded professionally and injured financially by sacrifices that were made to give their time and energy to such an apparently worthy cause.  They speak of their lessons learned as something that only a group as maddening and unethical as the Barefoot Doctors could somehow offer.  Although very disheartened, some still remain in the area to continue their good work eschewing any relationship whatsoever to the GCBD.  Their reputation (GCBD) now precedes them wherever you go in Louisiana, and beyond, such is the damage they have done to so many individuals and other groups.

     It is hoped that by this very hapless expose many more will be forewarned about this group that calls itself a health advocacy group, but is really a dysfunctional clique centered around two sisters who ought to be in prison – Delia for her kleptomania (witnessed by other GCBD members) and possession of stolen property (owned by ex-GCBD members); Deborah for her character assassinations and relentless defamations of character.  Please pass this around through your social networks so that all may be put on notice regarding this unfortunate social cancer in our midst.  It ought to be treated as it is – an infectious disease which needs to be quarantined for everyone’s well-being.

By Maurice Ellsberg
I am a first time investigative reporter who became very interested in the Gulf Oil Spill right after the Deepwater Horizon sank.  After reading about the GCBD early on, I wanted to hear more about the work they were doing but soon received many alarming and disturbing reports by those who were intimately connected with them at one time or another.  Hence, I was compelled to publish this expose.

A Message from the Author:
For anyone who doubts the veracity of even a single assertion in this article, we would highly recommend that you reserve judgment until you read the lawsuits being filed against Deborah Dupre and charges being filed against Delia Labarre.  The plaintiffs – and they are numerous – have compiled a substantial body of evidence which surely indicts and convicts these two individuals for their wanton and gross misconduct.  We trust that when you read the emails (screenshots which do not lie and are cross referenced by many different individual computers) that you will arrive at the same conclusion which many unrelated parties have come to.  Deborah Dupre and Delia LaBarre both need to be held accountable for their many egregious actions.
If nothing else, many Gulf advocates sincerely hope that the Louisiana Health Department will take the appropriate action and shut down this organization for good.  The potential medical repercussions and health ramifications of their public transgressions are simply too many and too great to ignore.

Warning to other Internet Authors:
It came to our attention while were investigating the past writings of Deborah Dupre that she has a practice of both paraphrasing and quoting other authors in a most misrepresentative manner.  Whether she takes quotes out of context or completely puts her spin on an attempted paraphrase, the authors who were subjected to this inappropriate license expressed profound dissatisfaction and regret that their words were so distorted from the original article; their intention was twisted beyond recognition or their themes and ideas were misappropriated altogether.

The following comments have been made in regard to the internet writing of Deborah Dupre.  Please bear in mind that she labels herself as a "advocate of international human rights" and yet demonstrates no reluctance to ruin the reputations of very courageous and committed environmental advocates.  We only post them so that the uninitiated will be duly informed in the event that their services are solicited by the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors, or that they are contacted by Dupre to be interviewed for a “story”.  These characterizations are typically indicative of her scorn and the depravity of her writing, and were made either directly to various interviewers researching this piece or as comments on other internet articles.  As follows:

“Her last expose sounded more like a fit of jealous rage – incredibly petty and mean-spirited.”

“Thoroughly shocking and totally shameless – how else to describe Dupre?”

“Deborah Dupre has no conscience.  Her writing always borders on the ridiculous or flirts with the ludicrous.”

“She simply writes whatever she wants to; she just makes stuff up.”

“This woman needs to be in handcuffs or a straightjacket … that’ll keep her from writing her mental diarrhea.”

“What Deborah Dupre does is criminal – pure and simple.”

“She ought to be locked up for giving false testimony against good people.”

“Dupre has no scruples or moral compass.”

“Dupre is not a journalist or an author.  Much of her writing is pure garbage.”

“I know very well the subject of one of her articles personally, so to see how she would bear false witness against a good person revealed her true character.”

“She is a very poor excuse for a human rights advocate.  Can you imagine, she calls herself a human right advocate and then trashes some of the biggest heroes of the BP Gulf Oil Spill!?  What unbridled audacity!  What sheer hubris!”

“Deborah Dupre should not be allowed to write for the rest of her life so much damage has she done to the Gulf oil spill movement.  She single-handedly destroyed a vibrant movement.  Shame on her and her sister.”

“I’m a preacher, and this lady needs to do penance for a long, long time.  Truly, we pray for her.”

“If you read any of her articles they are written as if by a schoolchild –very immature tone – many patronizing to a subject matter or an individual/group to an extreme.  She sounds like a high school cheerleader with a computer (No disrespect intended to high school cheerleaders with computers).”

“Dupre ought to be barred from the internet.”

“This woman is scary.  I mean really SCARY.”

“Deborah Dupre is a perfect example of everything that can go wrong with the world wide web.  She thinks she can make stuff up, post it and then walk away from the damage that she has done to a person’s good name.”

“Dupre needs to know what goes around comes around.  And it’s gonna come fast given all the reputations she’s ruined.”

“Does Dupre really think she can write with complete impunity?  Everyone is held responsible for their actions (and postings).  We’re talking rough karma for this lady.”

“Is that Deborah Dupre or Deborah Depraved you say?”

“Someone please take away her pens and pencils; rather permanently hack her word-processing capability.”

Deborah Dupre’s articles are not about the Gulf oil spill or human rights abuses; they’re about her and her deluded vision of reality.”

“What is the phrase for they who have no commitment to the truth – without conscience?”

“To destroy reputations so cavalierly, and then justify your actions even after the truth has been disclosed is as revolting as it gets.”  “Good, innocent people are ruined by her and her ilk.”

“These two sisters have gotten away with way too much abuse and victimizing.  It’s time for the Louisiana Health Department to shut down the Barefoot Doctors.  They’ve got no business doing what they’re doing.”

*Deborah Dupre did not respond to any emails or telephone calls of any of the deeply concerned GCBD ex-members involved with this investigation.  Dupre did disclose to different GCBD members that she herself was forced to resign her board position with the GCBD last year when the consequences of their indiscretions and wrongdoing began to catch up with the organization.

[1] Thomson Reuters, one of the largest multi-media outlets in the world, established a reputation very early in the Gulf oil spill as being transparently aligned with and biased in their favorable reporting to BP.  Just as BP is known to "operate to failure", Reuters is widely regarded as the quintessential MSM perpetrator and purveyor of dubious reporting (bad practice); of course,
 in their case, it is the field of journalism which they have thoroughly corrupted.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

BEWARE of Delia LaBarre and Deborah Dupre

Who are the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors?

By Maurice Ellsberg

     The following story is the product of months of intensive investigation regarding a group of individuals who call themselves the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors (GCBD).  They are led by one Delia LaBarre of NOLA and jointly founded with her sister, Deborah Dupre 
(a former board member of the GCBD*), who is originally from Louisiana and up until recently living in Hawaii.  As unbelievable as this report may sound, the facts and incidents contained herein have been confirmed and validated by many ex-members of the GCBD.  This expose is meant to provide a warning  to any and all who might be tempted to join this extremely dubious and destructive enterprise.  At best the GCBD represents an intention to help the beleaguered residents of the Louisiana Gulf Coast. However this initiative has devolved into something far from that original design.  And, it is the leaders who must be held directly responsible for this turn for the worse.
     Deborah Dupre is acknowledged by many to be a disgrace to her “profession” which appears to be an internet reporter.  In this capacity many have labeled her a menace to society.  Delia LaBarre is literally a barefoot doctor with no formal medical training or background who has no proper hygiene process/procedures in place for the way she dispenses her nutraceutical medications and various health products. Some real barefoot doctors, who have been in her home and witnessed the handling of open containers of various ingestible health products, were shocked at the lack of cleanliness and proper procedures necessary to keep the contents sterile and free of contamination.  Clearly, the entire amateur operation known as the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors was in blatant violation of the relevant LA Public Health codes and regulations.

     Furthermore, there are some licensed healthcare professionals who believe LaBarre has been practicing medicine without a license at every turn throughout the development of their enterprise.  More significantly these two sisters – Dupre and LaBarre are sisters born under the same roof in Louisiana – both employ a very dubious modus operandi (MO) in the eyes of many who joined the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors at their invitation over the course of the past nine to ten months.  All of these individuals are now ex-GCBD members because of what they describe as an ongoing pattern of illicit behavior, which is as reprehensible as it is abhorrent to those who witnessed or were victimized by them.

     Just who are these two sisters who have terrorized the State of Louisiana since the Gulf oil spill first began.  Deborah Dupre is an internet poster who attempts to write articles on a layperson’s news platform known as Examiner .com.  Everyone who was interviewed for this article pointed out that Examiner .com went into a formal partnership with Thomson Reuters[1] back in December of last year.  Reuters Corporate Headquarters is located about a tenth of a mile from BP Corporate Headquarters in the City of London.  Many have asked whether Dupre, a paid writer for Examiner, went over to the other side after she began posting articles and comments which were highly and unjustifiably critical of the various citizens’ movements which have advocated in various capacities for the coastal residents on the Gulf of Mexico.

     Even before Reuters went into business with Examiner, Dupre garnered a reputation for writing articles which lacked any kind of research or fact checking, were unprofessionally written to the point of embarrassment, and contained information which was either fabricated out of thin air or grossly exaggerated.  In a phrase she has been identified as “one of the most irresponsible and immature writers on the internet today.”  If you have any doubt about the level of her commentary or analysis, this author challenges any reader to simply google her name and read her articles.  Clearly, they speak for themselves in their childishly sensational tone and content.  To call her an author or journalist is an extraordinary stretch by any standard.

     It is very important to point out that not one single person interviewed would agree to be quoted for this article.  Everyone spoke of the poison pen wielded by Dupre and were deeply concerned about her penchant for revenge and retaliation.  It was not so much that they feared her; rather many spoke of her irrational and unpredictable behavior which often translated to writing pieces or comments known to be completely untrue and profoundly destructive to the objects of her scorn.  One individual who was the subject of her character assassination spoke strongly of the need for Dupre to brought up on criminal charges.  In that way it was contended society would be spared her venom and vitriol by keeping her away from a keyboard while doing her time in a prison cell.

     As for LaBarre, this expose ought to serve as a very serious caveat to any potential donor to the GCBD.  According to the Madison Mission in North Carolina, the GCBD were the recipient of thousands of  dollars of alternative health products which were never paid for.  Four of the products made up the backbone of the GCBD "detox kit" and were shipped at various times during the oil spill cleanup period to Delia LaBarre, but payments in the form of donations were never received by Madison Mission.  From those ex-GCBD members with whom we spoke, it was clear that donations were provided to LaBarre, so the question remains why she never paid for these products which included: (i) Detox Clay (ii) Activated Charcoal (iii) Vitamin C Tablets and (iv) Super Nutrition.  Because of the personal nature of other financial irregularities that were described by various ex-members and which we have promised not to divulge, one might carefully consider any solicitation from this group before a donation is offered. 

     The primary concern voiced by the several nurses, healthcare professionals and environmental health advocates who had the occasion to visit LaBarre's home was the unacceptable condition of her working space.  From a quality control perspective, there simply was none.  Unhygienic, unsanitary, totally disorganized and chaotic, completely non-compliant with typical health standards are just a few of the descriptions.  Some went so far as to imply that the entire living space was an unmitigated disaster area.  Everyone questioned the suitability of her process and procedure for dispensing the various detox formulas and other alternative nutraceuticals.  Detoxification can be a very complex and subtle process, so her protocols and recommendations were also seriously questioned as to the timing and amounts.  Many pointed out that a "one shoe fits all mentality" is not the best way to deal with very sick individuals  each possessing markedly different profiles, both physical and emotional.

Deborah Dupre and Delia LaBarre:
Sisters Cut From The Same Bolt of Cloth

     Such are the comments reserved for both Deborah Dupre and her sister Delia LaBarre who have made very few friends, if any, and lots of enemies both locally and beyond NOLA.  Professionals coming in from outside the Gulf Coast area are the ones most likely to be caught unaware by these two predators.  Little did most of them know, and we are talking about well over twenty individuals who have been victims of what has become known as the Louisiana Inquisition.  It begins with an invitation to folks who have excellent credentials, valuable experience, stellar reputations or something to offer what the GCBD need or want.  Delia actively seeks them out because of her attempt to acquire the legitimacy which she obviously lacks.  When she doesn’t get what she wants the inquisitional attitude then emerges … in stages.  When one fails to comply with her requests, wishes, suggestions or dictates the process of personal destruction begins.  That’s where Deborah, the GCBD press agent comes in.

     This pattern of conduct, which was witnessed by every person interviewed for this article, was defined by the following MO.  As soon as a “problem” emerged or difference of opinion surfaced which the “sisters” did not take kindly to, the offending individual would be subjected to the foulest kind of ad hominem attacks on their character, their behavior, their credentials, their health status – virtually anything that was perceived as a weakness which could be exploited to marginalize them as a prelude to expelling them from the group.  This cruel and ruthless process of character assassination was played out time and time again as evidenced by email threads sent out by the GCBD members only forum which were read by this author.  One innocent victim after another has independently corroborated this pattern of behavior with remarkable similarity as if taken from the same page out of the same playbook.

     Whenever there was need for a “guillotine” (French Revolution style) to finish off any particular victim, they always resorted to the ultimate judgment of labeling the newly marked “defendant” as an infiltrator.  The many labels they used to further denigrate these unfortunate folks include COINTELPRO, Homeland Security, infiltrator, controlled opposition, BP agent, black op, psyop among other disparaging terms which spell the death knell for anyone doing real environmental health  advocacy work.  The inquisitional attitude, as well as certainty about their verdicts and subsequent sentences handed down, were so quick and unfounded that many were dumbstruck at the pure insanity behind their process.  Delia quickly became known as the Tomas de Torquemada of NOLA.  And, of course, sister Debra was always the willing enabler, co-dependent and collaborator in these acts of personal destruction.

     After Dupre publishes an article with unseemly and spurious content, she enlists the aid of her internet trolls to post comments - either anonymously or with false names - at the end of the article.  None of these individuals have any knowledge of the facts, yet they write these ludicrous comments which are completely devoid of truth.  In concert they act much like a lynch mob leaving comments that are more ill informed (and vicious) than the original content of Dupre's articles.  Whoever is the object of their scorn and invective then becomes the target of the many facebook sites that are connected to the GCBD.  They then travel like a pack of jackals moving from blog to blog, facebook page to facebook page tearing up reputations and the good work of others after having been empowered by Dupre.  Clearly this perverted process starts with LaBarre at the GCBD after she has handed down her usual verdict and whipped up the sentiments into a frenzy against those she has tried and sentenced . 

     In the case of BK Lim and Dr. Tom Termotto, Dupre somehow convinced Ian R. Crane to produce a portion of his special Gulf Oil Spill video dedicated to what Crane/Dupre falsely labeled "controlled opposition".  It's critical to understand that Dupre and Crane both get paid for what they do; Dupre is compensated by and Crane sells his conspiracy videos.  Both of them are responsible for seriously jeopardizing the lives of some of the most committed Gulf oil spill advocates in ways that have been described as "shockingly and recklessly cavalier".  One well respected and longstanding journalist in the alternative news realm found Dupre's reporting to be "absolutely reprehensible"; another called Crane's videos "pure fiction contrived in the spirit of making money at the expense of others".  Those "others" typically are volunteer environmental health advocates who receive no compensation for their work; nor do they receive any reimbursement for the many expenses that they incur to advocate their causes.

     Dear reader, please understand that this article is being written and published as a warning to many unsuspecting souls who will be infiltrated by them, and then be accused of being infiltrators.  This group known as the GCBD is truly dangerous and needs to be exposed for who they are and how they operate.  Too many good people have been taken down without knowing what hit them.  In the words of every ex-member interviewed for this article, reputations have been destroyed, careers ruined, the future for some was made very bleak because of the level of their defamation of character through both libel and slander.

     One of the individuals was recently savaged by Dupre’s writing spoke of her tactic of stealthily gaining his confidence by making him feel his advice and counsel was valuable and unique.  The personal matter she needed consultation on was in regard to a piece of property that she owned which the local oil company was going to take by eminent domain.  She very well knew the outcome because others in her family had been paid stipends by the oil companies to transport oil across their respective properties as well.  Now we ask how much does she receive in the form of her monthly stipend and how else is she beholden to these oil companies, which she appears to oppose in every other way?

     The harshest comments were reserved for Dupre because of how unsparing she is with her internet platform to wreak havoc on people’s lives, families and livelihoods.  Among her most despicable and repugnant actions are those directed at some of the most dedicated advocates who were involved with the Gulf oil spill.  The following story paints a picture which is too much for many of us to bear; nevertheless it must be told so that others may be put on notice about just how low she will sink in her effort to acquire her fifteen minutes of fame.

     BK Lim and Dr. Thomas B. Manton are both true heroes of the Gulf oil spill according to all who know of their work.  Tom Manton (former President/CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation) was killed in a prison in North Florida after being falsely accused and incarcerated for a crime he did not commit.  He worked tirelessly under extraordinary duress and with serious health conditions in his attempts to bring some sanity to the handling of the Gulf oil spill.  BK Lim is a Malaysian born geohazards specialist who is nonetheless a true American hero for his courageous service in revealing the truths about BP machinations before, during and after their oil gusher blew at the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf.  The reputations of both of these great men were systematically tarnished by Dupre, as well as by those she enlisted to perpetrate these heinous misdeeds.  Tom Manton had only recently been murdered for what many believed was his aggressive posture toward BP and their criminal handling of the oil spill when Dupre began to undermine his legacy.  Few have ever seen such flagrant disrespect as demonstrated by her toward these two heroes.  Particularly in this regard was her conduct shockingly outrageous and contemptible toward BK Lim whose very existence she attempted to put into doubt, as was much unwarranted criticism she also heaped upon other noted Gulf advocates.

     Dr. Tom Termotto, formerly with the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference, was one such advocate who was completely savaged by Dupre's libelous articles and comments.  It was shortly after he delivered a eulogy in honor of Dr. Tom Manton on the Rense Radio Network that he fell victim to the proverbial GCBD witch hunt.  According to many emails which circulated in the wake of this "Voices of the Shattered Gulf" special program, both Dupre and LaBarre saw to it that Dr. Termotto's character was destroyed with such ruthlessness and without a shred of evidence.  Dupre's article was an undisguised hit piece which proved to be an act of character assassination that few could tolerate, and it effectively destroyed the Gulf oil spill citizens' movement.  The general feeling has since been that if these two sisters will so cavalierly defame others through libelous articles, emails, facebook postings and comments, as well as slanderous radio interviews, why would anyone want to go anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico.  By many, they're perceived to be more dangerous that the Gulf oil spill itself!

     We are sorry to say that we did not receive one positive comment about the GCBD or the two principals who misguided this hapless venture.  So many have been hurt emotionally, wounded professionally and injured financially by sacrifices that were made to give their time and energy to such an apparently worthy cause.  They speak of their lessons learned as something that only a group as maddening and unethical as the Barefoot Doctors could somehow offer.  Although very disheartened, some still remain in the area to continue their good work eschewing any relationship whatsoever to the GCBD.  Their reputation (GCBD) now precedes them wherever you go in Louisiana, and beyond, such is the damage they have done to so many individuals and other groups.

     It is hoped that by this very hapless expose many more will be forewarned about this group that calls itself a health advocacy group, but is really a dysfunctional clique centered around two sisters who ought to be in prison – Delia for her kleptomania (witnessed by other GCBD members) and possession of stolen property (owned by ex-GCBD members); Deborah for her character assassinations and relentless defamations of character.  Please pass this around through your social networks so that all may be put on notice regarding this unfortunate social cancer in our midst.  It ought to be treated as it is – an infectious disease which needs to be quarantined for everyone’s well-being.

By Maurice Ellsberg
I am a first time investigative reporter who became very interested in the Gulf Oil Spill right after the Deepwater Horizon sank.  After reading about the GCBD early on, I wanted to hear more about the work they were doing but soon received many alarming and disturbing reports by those who were intimately connected with them at one time or another.  Hence, I was compelled to publish this expose.

A Message from the Author:
For anyone who doubts the veracity of even a single assertion in this article, we would highly recommend that you reserve judgment until you read the lawsuits being filed against Deborah Dupre and charges being filed against Delia Labarre.  The plaintiffs – and they are numerous – have compiled a substantial body of evidence which surely indicts and convicts these two individuals for their wanton and gross misconduct.  We trust that when you read the emails (screenshots which do not lie and are cross referenced by many different individual computers) that you will arrive at the same conclusion which many unrelated parties have come to.  Deborah Dupre and Delia LaBarre both need to be held accountable for their many egregious actions.
If nothing else, many Gulf advocates sincerely hope that the Louisiana Health Department will take the appropriate action and shut down this organization for good.  The potential medical repercussions and health ramifications of their public transgressions are simply too many and too great to ignore.

Warning to other Internet Authors:
It came to our attention while were investigating the past writings of Deborah Dupre that she has a practice of both paraphrasing and quoting other authors in a most misrepresentative manner.  Whether she takes quotes out of context or completely puts her spin on an attempted paraphrase, the authors who were subjected to this inappropriate license expressed profound dissatisfaction and regret that their words were so distorted from the original article; their intention was twisted beyond recognition or their themes and ideas were misappropriated altogether.

The following comments have been made in regard to the internet writing of Deborah Dupre.  Please bear in mind that she labels herself as a "advocate of international human rights" and yet demonstrates no reluctance to ruin the reputations of very courageous and committed environmental advocates.  We only post them so that the uninitiated will be duly informed in the event that their services are solicited by the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors, or that they are contacted by Dupre to be interviewed for a “story”.  These characterizations are typically indicative of her scorn and the depravity of her writing, and were made either directly to various interviewers researching this piece or as comments on other internet articles.  As follows:

“Her last expose sounded more like a fit of jealous rage – incredibly petty and mean-spirited.”

“Thoroughly shocking and totally shameless – how else to describe Dupre?”

“Deborah Dupre has no conscience.  Her writing always borders on the ridiculous or flirts with the ludicrous.”

“She simply writes whatever she wants to; she just makes stuff up.”

“This woman needs to be in handcuffs or a straightjacket … that’ll keep her from writing her mental diarrhea.”

“What Deborah Dupre does is criminal – pure and simple.”

“She ought to be locked up for giving false testimony against good people.”

“Dupre has no scruples or moral compass.”

“Dupre is not a journalist or an author.  Much of her writing is pure garbage.”

“I know very well the subject of one of her articles personally, so to see how she would bear false witness against a good person revealed her true character.”

“She is a very poor excuse for a human rights advocate.  Can you imagine, she calls herself a human right advocate and then trashes some of the biggest heroes of the BP Gulf Oil Spill!?  What unbridled audacity!  What sheer hubris!”

“Deborah Dupre should not be allowed to write for the rest of her life so much damage has she done to the Gulf oil spill movement.  She single-handedly destroyed a vibrant movement.  Shame on her and her sister.”

“I’m a preacher, and this lady needs to do penance for a long, long time.  Truly, we pray for her.”

“If you read any of her articles they are written as if by a schoolchild –very immature tone – many patronizing to a subject matter or an individual/group to an extreme.  She sounds like a high school cheerleader with a computer (No disrespect intended to high school cheerleaders with computers).”

“Dupre ought to be barred from the internet.”

“This woman is scary.  I mean really SCARY.”

“Deborah Dupre is a perfect example of everything that can go wrong with the world wide web.  She thinks she can make stuff up, post it and then walk away from the damage that she has done to a person’s good name.”

“Dupre needs to know what goes around comes around.  And it’s gonna come fast given all the reputations she’s ruined.”

“Does Dupre really think she can write with complete impunity?  Everyone is held responsible for their actions (and postings).  We’re talking rough karma for this lady.”

“Is that Deborah Dupre or Deborah Depraved you say?”

“Someone please take away her pens and pencils; rather permanently hack her word-processing capability.”

Deborah Dupre’s articles are not about the Gulf oil spill or human rights abuses; they’re about her and her deluded vision of reality.”

“What is the phrase for they who have no commitment to the truth – without conscience?”

“To destroy reputations so cavalierly, and then justify your actions even after the truth has been disclosed is as revolting as it gets.”  “Good, innocent people are ruined by her and her ilk.”

“These two sisters have gotten away with way too much abuse and victimizing.  It’s time for the Louisiana Health Department to shut down the Barefoot Doctors.  They’ve got no business doing what they’re doing.”

*Deborah Dupre did not respond to any emails or telephone calls of any of the deeply concerned GCBD ex-members involved with this investigation.  Dupre did disclose to different GCBD members that she herself was forced to resign her board position with the GCBD last year when the consequences of their indiscretions and wrongdoing began to catch up with the organization.

[1] Thomson Reuters, one of the largest multi-media outlets in the world, established a reputation very early in the Gulf oil spill as being transparently aligned with and biased in their favorable reporting to BP.  Just as BP is known to "operate to failure", Reuters is widely regarded as the quintessential MSM perpetrator and purveyor of dubious reporting (bad practice); of course,
 in their case, it is the field of journalism which they have thoroughly corrupted.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

BEWARE of Delia LaBarre and Deborah Dupre

Who are the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors?

By Maurice Ellsberg

     The following story is the product of months of intensive investigation regarding a group of individuals who call themselves the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors (GCBD).  They are led by one Delia LaBarre of NOLA and jointly founded with her sister, Deborah Dupre 
(a former board member of the GCBD*), who is originally from Louisiana and up until recently living in Hawaii.  As unbelievable as this report may sound, the facts and incidents contained herein have been confirmed and validated by many ex-members of the GCBD.  This expose is meant to provide a warning  to any and all who might be tempted to join this extremely dubious and destructive enterprise.  At best the GCBD represents an intention to help the beleaguered residents of the Louisiana Gulf Coast. However this initiative has devolved into something far from that original design.  And, it is the leaders who must be held directly responsible for this turn for the worse.
     Deborah Dupre is acknowledged by many to be a disgrace to her “profession” which appears to be an internet reporter.  In this capacity many have labeled her a menace to society.  Delia LaBarre is literally a barefoot doctor with no formal medical training or background who has no proper hygiene process/procedures in place for the way she dispenses her nutraceutical medications and various health products. Some real barefoot doctors, who have been in her home and witnessed the handling of open containers of various ingestible health products, were shocked at the lack of cleanliness and proper procedures necessary to keep the contents sterile and free of contamination.  Clearly, the entire amateur operation known as the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors was in blatant violation of the relevant LA Public Health codes and regulations.

     Furthermore, there are some licensed healthcare professionals who believe LaBarre has been practicing medicine without a license at every turn throughout the development of their enterprise.  More significantly these two sisters – Dupre and LaBarre are sisters born under the same roof in Louisiana – both employ a very dubious modus operandi (MO) in the eyes of many who joined the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors at their invitation over the course of the past nine to ten months.  All of these individuals are now ex-GCBD members because of what they describe as an ongoing pattern of illicit behavior, which is as reprehensible as it is abhorrent to those who witnessed or were victimized by them.

     Just who are these two sisters who have terrorized the State of Louisiana since the Gulf oil spill first began.  Deborah Dupre is an internet poster who attempts to write articles on a layperson’s news platform known as Examiner .com.  Everyone who was interviewed for this article pointed out that Examiner .com went into a formal partnership with Thomson Reuters[1] back in December of last year.  Reuters Corporate Headquarters is located about a tenth of a mile from BP Corporate Headquarters in the City of London.  Many have asked whether Dupre, a paid writer for Examiner, went over to the other side after she began posting articles and comments which were highly and unjustifiably critical of the various citizens’ movements which have advocated in various capacities for the coastal residents on the Gulf of Mexico.

     Even before Reuters went into business with Examiner, Dupre garnered a reputation for writing articles which lacked any kind of research or fact checking, were unprofessionally written to the point of embarrassment, and contained information which was either fabricated out of thin air or grossly exaggerated.  In a phrase she has been identified as “one of the most irresponsible and immature writers on the internet today.”  If you have any doubt about the level of her commentary or analysis, this author challenges any reader to simply google her name and read her articles.  Clearly, they speak for themselves in their childishly sensational tone and content.  To call her an author or journalist is an extraordinary stretch by any standard.

     It is very important to point out that not one single person interviewed would agree to be quoted for this article.  Everyone spoke of the poison pen wielded by Dupre and were deeply concerned about her penchant for revenge and retaliation.  It was not so much that they feared her; rather many spoke of her irrational and unpredictable behavior which often translated to writing pieces or comments known to be completely untrue and profoundly destructive to the objects of her scorn.  One individual who was the subject of her character assassination spoke strongly of the need for Dupre to brought up on criminal charges.  In that way it was contended society would be spared her venom and vitriol by keeping her away from a keyboard while doing her time in a prison cell.

     As for LaBarre, this expose ought to serve as a very serious caveat to any potential donor to the GCBD.  According to the Madison Mission in North Carolina, the GCBD were the recipient of thousands of  dollars of alternative health products which were never paid for.  Four of the products made up the backbone of the GCBD "detox kit" and were shipped at various times during the oil spill cleanup period to Delia LaBarre, but payments in the form of donations were never received by Madison Mission.  From those ex-GCBD members with whom we spoke, it was clear that donations were provided to LaBarre, so the question remains why she never paid for these products which included: (i) Detox Clay (ii) Activated Charcoal (iii) Vitamin C Tablets and (iv) Super Nutrition.  Because of the personal nature of other financial irregularities that were described by various ex-members and which we have promised not to divulge, one might carefully consider any solicitation from this group before a donation is offered. 

     The primary concern voiced by the several nurses, healthcare professionals and environmental health advocates who had the occasion to visit LaBarre's home was the unacceptable condition of her working space.  From a quality control perspective, there simply was none.  Unhygienic, unsanitary, totally disorganized and chaotic, completely non-compliant with typical health standards are just a few of the descriptions.  Some went so far as to imply that the entire living space was an unmitigated disaster area.  Everyone questioned the suitability of her process and procedure for dispensing the various detox formulas and other alternative nutraceuticals.  Detoxification can be a very complex and subtle process, so her protocols and recommendations were also seriously questioned as to the timing and amounts.  Many pointed out that a "one shoe fits all mentality" is not the best way to deal with very sick individuals  each possessing markedly different profiles, both physical and emotional.

Deborah Dupre and Delia LaBarre:
Sisters Cut From The Same Bolt of Cloth

     Such are the comments reserved for both Deborah Dupre and her sister Delia LaBarre who have made very few friends, if any, and lots of enemies both locally and beyond NOLA.  Professionals coming in from outside the Gulf Coast area are the ones most likely to be caught unaware by these two predators.  Little did most of them know, and we are talking about well over twenty individuals who have been victims of what has become known as the Louisiana Inquisition.  It begins with an invitation to folks who have excellent credentials, valuable experience, stellar reputations or something to offer what the GCBD need or want.  Delia actively seeks them out because of her attempt to acquire the legitimacy which she obviously lacks.  When she doesn’t get what she wants the inquisitional attitude then emerges … in stages.  When one fails to comply with her requests, wishes, suggestions or dictates the process of personal destruction begins.  That’s where Deborah, the GCBD press agent comes in.

     This pattern of conduct, which was witnessed by every person interviewed for this article, was defined by the following MO.  As soon as a “problem” emerged or difference of opinion surfaced which the “sisters” did not take kindly to, the offending individual would be subjected to the foulest kind of ad hominem attacks on their character, their behavior, their credentials, their health status – virtually anything that was perceived as a weakness which could be exploited to marginalize them as a prelude to expelling them from the group.  This cruel and ruthless process of character assassination was played out time and time again as evidenced by email threads sent out by the GCBD members only forum which were read by this author.  One innocent victim after another has independently corroborated this pattern of behavior with remarkable similarity as if taken from the same page out of the same playbook.

     Whenever there was need for a “guillotine” (French Revolution style) to finish off any particular victim, they always resorted to the ultimate judgment of labeling the newly marked “defendant” as an infiltrator.  The many labels they used to further denigrate these unfortunate folks include COINTELPRO, Homeland Security, infiltrator, controlled opposition, BP agent, black op, psyop among other disparaging terms which spell the death knell for anyone doing real environmental health  advocacy work.  The inquisitional attitude, as well as certainty about their verdicts and subsequent sentences handed down, were so quick and unfounded that many were dumbstruck at the pure insanity behind their process.  Delia quickly became known as the Tomas de Torquemada of NOLA.  And, of course, sister Debra was always the willing enabler, co-dependent and collaborator in these acts of personal destruction.

     After Dupre publishes an article with unseemly and spurious content, she enlists the aid of her internet trolls to post comments - either anonymously or with false names - at the end of the article.  None of these individuals have any knowledge of the facts, yet they write these ludicrous comments which are completely devoid of truth.  In concert they act much like a lynch mob leaving comments that are more ill informed (and vicious) than the original content of Dupre's articles.  Whoever is the object of their scorn and invective then becomes the target of the many facebook sites that are connected to the GCBD.  They then travel like a pack of jackals moving from blog to blog, facebook page to facebook page tearing up reputations and the good work of others after having been empowered by Dupre.  Clearly this perverted process starts with LaBarre at the GCBD after she has handed down her usual verdict and whipped up the sentiments into a frenzy against those she has tried and sentenced . 

     In the case of BK Lim and Dr. Tom Termotto, Dupre somehow convinced Ian R. Crane to produce a portion of his special Gulf Oil Spill video dedicated to what Crane/Dupre falsely labeled "controlled opposition".  It's critical to understand that Dupre and Crane both get paid for what they do; Dupre is compensated by and Crane sells his conspiracy videos.  Both of them are responsible for seriously jeopardizing the lives of some of the most committed Gulf oil spill advocates in ways that have been described as "shockingly and recklessly cavalier".  One well respected and longstanding journalist in the alternative news realm found Dupre's reporting to be "absolutely reprehensible"; another called Crane's videos "pure fiction contrived in the spirit of making money at the expense of others".  Those "others" typically are volunteer environmental health advocates who receive no compensation for their work; nor do they receive any reimbursement for the many expenses that they incur to advocate their causes.

     Dear reader, please understand that this article is being written and published as a warning to many unsuspecting souls who will be infiltrated by them, and then be accused of being infiltrators.  This group known as the GCBD is truly dangerous and needs to be exposed for who they are and how they operate.  Too many good people have been taken down without knowing what hit them.  In the words of every ex-member interviewed for this article, reputations have been destroyed, careers ruined, the future for some was made very bleak because of the level of their defamation of character through both libel and slander.

     One of the individuals was recently savaged by Dupre’s writing spoke of her tactic of stealthily gaining his confidence by making him feel his advice and counsel was valuable and unique.  The personal matter she needed consultation on was in regard to a piece of property that she owned which the local oil company was going to take by eminent domain.  She very well knew the outcome because others in her family had been paid stipends by the oil companies to transport oil across their respective properties as well.  Now we ask how much does she receive in the form of her monthly stipend and how else is she beholden to these oil companies, which she appears to oppose in every other way?

     The harshest comments were reserved for Dupre because of how unsparing she is with her internet platform to wreak havoc on people’s lives, families and livelihoods.  Among her most despicable and repugnant actions are those directed at some of the most dedicated advocates who were involved with the Gulf oil spill.  The following story paints a picture which is too much for many of us to bear; nevertheless it must be told so that others may be put on notice about just how low she will sink in her effort to acquire her fifteen minutes of fame.

     BK Lim and Dr. Thomas B. Manton are both true heroes of the Gulf oil spill according to all who know of their work.  Tom Manton (former President/CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation) was killed in a prison in North Florida after being falsely accused and incarcerated for a crime he did not commit.  He worked tirelessly under extraordinary duress and with serious health conditions in his attempts to bring some sanity to the handling of the Gulf oil spill.  BK Lim is a Malaysian born geohazards specialist who is nonetheless a true American hero for his courageous service in revealing the truths about BP machinations before, during and after their oil gusher blew at the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf.  The reputations of both of these great men were systematically tarnished by Dupre, as well as by those she enlisted to perpetrate these heinous misdeeds.  Tom Manton had only recently been murdered for what many believed was his aggressive posture toward BP and their criminal handling of the oil spill when Dupre began to undermine his legacy.  Few have ever seen such flagrant disrespect as demonstrated by her toward these two heroes.  Particularly in this regard was her conduct shockingly outrageous and contemptible toward BK Lim whose very existence she attempted to put into doubt, as was much unwarranted criticism she also heaped upon other noted Gulf advocates.

     Dr. Tom Termotto, formerly with the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference, was one such advocate who was completely savaged by Dupre's libelous articles and comments.  It was shortly after he delivered a eulogy in honor of Dr. Tom Manton on the Rense Radio Network that he fell victim to the proverbial GCBD witch hunt.  According to many emails which circulated in the wake of this "Voices of the Shattered Gulf" special program, both Dupre and LaBarre saw to it that Dr. Termotto's character was destroyed with such ruthlessness and without a shred of evidence.  Dupre's article was an undisguised hit piece which proved to be an act of character assassination that few could tolerate, and it effectively destroyed the Gulf oil spill citizens' movement.  The general feeling has since been that if these two sisters will so cavalierly defame others through libelous articles, emails, facebook postings and comments, as well as slanderous radio interviews, why would anyone want to go anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico.  By many, they're perceived to be more dangerous that the Gulf oil spill itself!

     We are sorry to say that we did not receive one positive comment about the GCBD or the two principals who misguided this hapless venture.  So many have been hurt emotionally, wounded professionally and injured financially by sacrifices that were made to give their time and energy to such an apparently worthy cause.  They speak of their lessons learned as something that only a group as maddening and unethical as the Barefoot Doctors could somehow offer.  Although very disheartened, some still remain in the area to continue their good work eschewing any relationship whatsoever to the GCBD.  Their reputation (GCBD) now precedes them wherever you go in Louisiana, and beyond, such is the damage they have done to so many individuals and other groups.

     It is hoped that by this very hapless expose many more will be forewarned about this group that calls itself a health advocacy group, but is really a dysfunctional clique centered around two sisters who ought to be in prison – Delia for her kleptomania (witnessed by other GCBD members) and possession of stolen property (owned by ex-GCBD members); Deborah for her character assassinations and relentless defamations of character.  Please pass this around through your social networks so that all may be put on notice regarding this unfortunate social cancer in our midst.  It ought to be treated as it is – an infectious disease which needs to be quarantined for everyone’s well-being.

By Maurice Ellsberg
I am a first time investigative reporter who became very interested in the Gulf Oil Spill right after the Deepwater Horizon sank.  After reading about the GCBD early on, I wanted to hear more about the work they were doing but soon received many alarming and disturbing reports by those who were intimately connected with them at one time or another.  Hence, I was compelled to publish this expose.

A Message from the Author:
For anyone who doubts the veracity of even a single assertion in this article, we would highly recommend that you reserve judgment until you read the lawsuits being filed against Deborah Dupre and charges being filed against Delia Labarre.  The plaintiffs – and they are numerous – have compiled a substantial body of evidence which surely indicts and convicts these two individuals for their wanton and gross misconduct.  We trust that when you read the emails (screenshots which do not lie and are cross referenced by many different individual computers) that you will arrive at the same conclusion which many unrelated parties have come to.  Deborah Dupre and Delia LaBarre both need to be held accountable for their many egregious actions.
If nothing else, many Gulf advocates sincerely hope that the Louisiana Health Department will take the appropriate action and shut down this organization for good.  The potential medical repercussions and health ramifications of their public transgressions are simply too many and too great to ignore.

Warning to other Internet Authors:
It came to our attention while were investigating the past writings of Deborah Dupre that she has a practice of both paraphrasing and quoting other authors in a most misrepresentative manner.  Whether she takes quotes out of context or completely puts her spin on an attempted paraphrase, the authors who were subjected to this inappropriate license expressed profound dissatisfaction and regret that their words were so distorted from the original article; their intention was twisted beyond recognition or their themes and ideas were misappropriated altogether.

The following comments have been made in regard to the internet writing of Deborah Dupre.  Please bear in mind that she labels herself as a "advocate of international human rights" and yet demonstrates no reluctance to ruin the reputations of very courageous and committed environmental advocates.  We only post them so that the uninitiated will be duly informed in the event that their services are solicited by the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors, or that they are contacted by Dupre to be interviewed for a “story”.  These characterizations are typically indicative of her scorn and the depravity of her writing, and were made either directly to various interviewers researching this piece or as comments on other internet articles.  As follows:

“Her last expose sounded more like a fit of jealous rage – incredibly petty and mean-spirited.”

“Thoroughly shocking and totally shameless – how else to describe Dupre?”

“Deborah Dupre has no conscience.  Her writing always borders on the ridiculous or flirts with the ludicrous.”

“She simply writes whatever she wants to; she just makes stuff up.”

“This woman needs to be in handcuffs or a straightjacket … that’ll keep her from writing her mental diarrhea.”

“What Deborah Dupre does is criminal – pure and simple.”

“She ought to be locked up for giving false testimony against good people.”

“Dupre has no scruples or moral compass.”

“Dupre is not a journalist or an author.  Much of her writing is pure garbage.”

“I know very well the subject of one of her articles personally, so to see how she would bear false witness against a good person revealed her true character.”

“She is a very poor excuse for a human rights advocate.  Can you imagine, she calls herself a human right advocate and then trashes some of the biggest heroes of the BP Gulf Oil Spill!?  What unbridled audacity!  What sheer hubris!”

“Deborah Dupre should not be allowed to write for the rest of her life so much damage has she done to the Gulf oil spill movement.  She single-handedly destroyed a vibrant movement.  Shame on her and her sister.”

“I’m a preacher, and this lady needs to do penance for a long, long time.  Truly, we pray for her.”

“If you read any of her articles they are written as if by a schoolchild –very immature tone – many patronizing to a subject matter or an individual/group to an extreme.  She sounds like a high school cheerleader with a computer (No disrespect intended to high school cheerleaders with computers).”

“Dupre ought to be barred from the internet.”

“This woman is scary.  I mean really SCARY.”

“Deborah Dupre is a perfect example of everything that can go wrong with the world wide web.  She thinks she can make stuff up, post it and then walk away from the damage that she has done to a person’s good name.”

“Dupre needs to know what goes around comes around.  And it’s gonna come fast given all the reputations she’s ruined.”

“Does Dupre really think she can write with complete impunity?  Everyone is held responsible for their actions (and postings).  We’re talking rough karma for this lady.”

“Is that Deborah Dupre or Deborah Depraved you say?”

“Someone please take away her pens and pencils; rather permanently hack her word-processing capability.”

Deborah Dupre’s articles are not about the Gulf oil spill or human rights abuses; they’re about her and her deluded vision of reality.”

“What is the phrase for they who have no commitment to the truth – without conscience?”

“To destroy reputations so cavalierly, and then justify your actions even after the truth has been disclosed is as revolting as it gets.”  “Good, innocent people are ruined by her and her ilk.”

“These two sisters have gotten away with way too much abuse and victimizing.  It’s time for the Louisiana Health Department to shut down the Barefoot Doctors.  They’ve got no business doing what they’re doing.”

*Deborah Dupre did not respond to any emails or telephone calls of any of the deeply concerned GCBD ex-members involved with this investigation.  Dupre did disclose to different GCBD members that she herself was forced to resign her board position with the GCBD last year when the consequences of their indiscretions and wrongdoing began to catch up with the organization.

[1] Thomson Reuters, one of the largest multi-media outlets in the world, established a reputation very early in the Gulf oil spill as being transparently aligned with and biased in their favorable reporting to BP.  Just as BP is known to "operate to failure", Reuters is widely regarded as the quintessential MSM perpetrator and purveyor of dubious reporting (bad practice); of course,
 in their case, it is the field of journalism which they have thoroughly corrupted.